Friday, November 23, 2007

Wow...I don't even know why I'm doing this...

Hey guys! I kinda got bored over Thanksgiving Break and did this crazy thing...I got a Blog! Now, anyone who really knows me would think I'm crazy for even thinking of doing this because of how busy I am, but I thought it would be fun! Who wouldn't want the whole world to have access to your life? : ) Yeah, so even though I'm going to be totally busy with Basketball, homework, choir dinner, and trying to have a personal life, I'm gonna try to squeaze this in too! So, yeah! Love you guys and I hope this isn't totally boring! : D Bye!


Emily said...

I believe in you Chelsea! hahaha... You are talented enough to do this. ^-^

Megan Conrad said...

I'm so glad that you got a blog! It's become an awesome thing for me to have! You should check my blog out too!